• Dança 6


Ana MacaraAna Paula Batalha and Kátia Mortari (eds.) 2016. Corpos (im)perfeitos: reflexões para o entendimento da diversidade do performer contemporâneo. Lisboa: FMH Edições 
This book is the result of reviewed and expanded papers presented at the (Un)Perfect Bodies in Contemporary Performance Conference, which took place at the Faculty of Human Motricity (Lisbon University) in September 2012 (Organization: INET-md research center, 20th Quinzena de Dança de Almada (International Festival) and CEAP - study center of the performing arts at the Faculty of Human Motricity).


Dança em corpos (im)perfeitos | Publisher: FMH edições, Cruz Quebrada | Launch: 2016 | ISBN: 978 972 735 209 8 | Size: 18 x 25 cm | Pages: 261 | Language: Portuguese | Paperback