Book Launch | The Oxford Handbook of Music Composition Pedagogy

The book "The Oxford Handbook of Music Composition Pedagogy" edited by the researcher Michele Kaschub and where our researcher Ana Luísa Veloso publishes the chapter "Music Composition in Portuguese Classrooms: Searching for Possible Routes" is now available. With names like John Kratus, Peter Webster, Sandra Stauffer, Jody Kershner, Pamela Burnard, or Maud Hickey, the book presents itself as an essential set of perspectives on the work of teaching and learning music composition with children and young people.

In her chapter, Ana Luísa Veloso seeks to present an in-depth perspective of the history and current work on musical composition in the classroom in Portugal, also bringing to the discussion the work that she has been developing in the last 10 years.
An essential book for all students, researchers, and teachers interested in this area!
Available for pre-order on the Oxford University Press website.