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Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Tel: (+351) 234 370 389 (ext. 23700)


Huayma Tulian's main research topics are in the areas of composition and performance. The results of his research include articles in conferences and journals. At the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina), he served as assistant professor of guitar from 2014 to 2022 and as coordinator of the University Extension Area of the Music Careers Group in 2017. He studied composition, orchestration and musical analysis privately with Argentine composer Dante Grela from 2010 to 2018. She completed her Bachelor's Degree in Guitar at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (honorary degree for the best average in the Music Careers group) in 2014, her Master's Degree in Music at the Escola de Música da UFMG -Brazil (CAPES scholarship) in 2020, and her Master's Degree in Classical and Contemporary Music Performance at the Conservatori Liceu de Barcelona - Spain (scholarship from the Fundació Conservatori Liceu) in 2021. As a performer, he has given solo and chamber concerts in important halls and theaters in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Andorra and France. As a composer, his works have been performed in halls in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Ukraine, Germany and Portugal. As a result of his activities as a composer and performer, he has won several distinctions in competitions, made professional recordings and premiered works.
Doctoral Project
"O processo criativo do compositor/performer: um estudo autoetnográfico"
Rui penha
The  PhD project aims to investigate the case of the composer who performs his works, approaching the roles of composer/performer as an indivisible phenomenon, in contrast to the gradual separation between composer and performer that became predominant in classical music from the beginning of the 19th century. To study this context, an auto-ethnographic study of the experience of the researcher, who is both a composer and a guitarist, will be developed, applying the following methods: literature review, investigation of methodologies and strategies used by professional guitarists/composers/performers, analysis of the integrated context of composing and performing works for guitar through observation, documentation and analysis of personal creative processes, using auto-ethnography as a methodological tool. The aim is to articulate personal experiences in the creative process in dialog with external research and experiences.

Keywords: Composer/performer; Autoethnography; Guitar performance; Guitar composition; Case study.