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PhD Student
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Tel: (+351) 234 370 389 (ext. 23700)


Ana Gaipo completed her degree in Musical Sciences (FSCH-UNL), in 1999. Teaches History of Culture and Arts at the Ponta Delgada Regional Conservatory. Has collaborated on the Encyclopedia of Music in Portugal in the 20th Century and the Enciclopédia Açoriana (DRAC / Cultura -Açores). She is the author of the book Sociedade Filarmónica Lira do Rosário - 100 anos de História and the chapter "Sociedade Filarmónica 'Lira do Rosário': um património local" published in the book Our Music, Our World: Wind Bands and Local Social Life. In 2021, completed her Master's Degree in Music (Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies) at the University of Aveiro, with research into the Folias do Espírito Santo. She was awarded an Academic Merit Scholarship by DGES in 2022 for completing her Master's studies in Music. She was part of the EcoMusic project team - "Sustainable practices: a study on post-folklorism in Portugal in the 21st Century" (PTDC/ART-FOL/31782/2017). Since 2022, she has been a student in the Doctoral Program in Music at the University of Aveiro.
Doctoral Project
“O espaço acústico da Folia do Espírito Santo: entre a continuidade e a re-significação das suas práticas”
This research aims to study the multiple dynamics that, in the 21st century, reshape the Folia do Espírito Santo on the island of S. Miguel, in the Azores archipelago. Its main objective is to understand and reflect on the processes and worldviews behind the continuity, revitalization and migration of musical practices traditionally linked to the cult of the Holy Spirit.

Festa do Espírito Santo; Folia; Revitalization; Gender