José Carlos Oliveira

- PhD Student
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
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José Carlos Oliveira began his musical studies as an autodidact, having taken up the position of organist at the age of thirteen at the Church of S. José Operário, in Castelo Branco.
Between October 1991 and July 1993, he began studies at the Academia de Música Eborense. In September 1993, he joined the Choral Conducting Course at Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, concluding his first year.
Between 1991 and 1994, he studied Organ successively with João Paulo Janeiro, Antoine Sibertin-Blanc and Rosa Amorim. At the same time, he was a student of Choral Direction of the 1st National Course of Sacred Music, held by the Sanctuary of Fátima and the National Secretariat of Liturgy. He was assistant professor at the 2nd National Course of Sacred Music. He obtained Honorable Mention in the Young Organists Contest, held in Leiria, in 1997.
In July 1999, he completed a degree in Sacred Music at the Regensburg College of Catholic Church Music and Musical Education (Germany) and in July 2000, a degree in Music Teaching for the discipline of Organ, awarded by the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich.
After returning to Portugal, he carried out teaching activities, successively, at the Academia de Música Eborense, at the Regional Conservatory of Castelo Branco, at the Regional Conservatory of Covilhã and at the School of Arts of the Catholic University of Porto.
From September 2002 to August 2008 he was professor of organ at the Coimbra Music Conservatory.
He is currently a professor at the Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas de Castelo Branco and at the Regional Conservatory of the same city. He holds the position of titular organist of the Willis / Schulte Organ (1928/2013 – 29 / II) of the Parish of S. José Operário, in Castelo Branco.
He is currently preparing his doctoral thesis in Music (Performance) at the Department of Communication and Art at the University of Aveiro, specifically dedicated to the work for solo organ by Paul Hindemith.Doctoral ProjectTitleHindemith and the Organ: Contribution of the Unterweisung im Tonsatz by Paul Hindemith to the performance of his Organ Solo WorksAdvisorAbstractThis thesis project aims the performance of works for solo organ by Paul Hindemith (1895-1963) based on the musical analysis resulting from the application of the concepts enunciated by the composer in his theoretical work Unterweisung im Tonsatz (1937), upon which the interpretive options shall be grounded. Paul Hindemith's works for solo organ are characterized by the almost total absence of agogic and registration indications, combined with a great lack of metronomic, dynamic and character directions. The object of study of this research is, therefore, of particular interest, taking into account, on the one hand, the importance of Hindemith's organ compositions, within the Germanic production for this instrument in the first half of the 20th century and, on the other, the fact of resorting to the theoretical work Unterweisung published by the composer, in order to obtain grounds for defining parameters for the interpretation of these works.
Keywords: Performance, Organ. Analysis, New Objectivity, Orgelbewegung.Research Group: Creation, Performance and Artistic Research