João Tiago Correia

- PhD Candidate
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
- Tel: (+351) 234 370 389 (ext. 23700)
João Tiago Correia was born in Coimbra in 1977. He started studying guitar, in 1992, at Conservatório de Música de Coimbra where, under the guidance of teacher Graciano Pinto, he concluded the Complementary Course of Classical Guitar. Simultaneously, he concluded his degree in Basic School Teachers, in Music Education, at Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra. In 2014, he concluded the Degree in Classical Guitar, at Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas, of Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (ESART - IPCB), under the supervision of Professor Miguel Carvalhinho. In 2016 he concluded the Master's Degree in Music Teaching, area of specialisation in Classical Guitar and Ensemble Music, at the same institution (ESART - IPCB), with the dissertation title "A Interpretação da Obra para Guitarra de Lopes e Silva por um Aluno do 5º Grau do Ensino Artístico". He participated in Masterclasses of Classical Guitar Interpretation and Improvement with Paulo Vaz de Carvalho, José Pina, Robert Brightmore, Goran Krivokapic, Danijel Cerovic and Roberto Aussel. He was awarded with 1st Prize in the 1st International Guitar Competition of Golegã, in the category of superior level and performed in public either in solo recitals, namely in the VIII International Guitar Meetings, in Coimbra, or integrating chamber music formations, in several places in the country. He guided the Guitar Orchestra Internship of the 3rd Amarante International Guitar Festival. He has been invited to integrate juries of national and international guitar competitions. He teaches at Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas, of Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. He also teaches at Escola Profissional de Artes da Covilhã (EPABI) and at Conservatório Regional de Coimbra. He is a PhD student in Music, Performance area, at the Universidade de Aveiro, under the guidance of Professor Paulo Vaz de Carvalho.
Ciência Vitae | ORCID
Doctoral ProjectTitle
A Guitarra Clássica de Cordame Acrescido: um lugar na contemporaneidade
This research project is born from my interest in guitars with more than six strings, which has been growing after many years of practice on the six-string guitar. I notice that, nowadays, many guitarists interpreters - I refer to the context of the erudite music - began to use instruments of the past, sometimes original, sometimes replicas, following the construction patterns of the time. However, few have focused on guitars with more than six strings, much explored during the 19th century and, in some cases, in the 20th century. In Portugal, despite the interest shown by some guitarists, neither a repertoire composed for guitars with more than six strings - which I here call increased cordage guitars - nor interpreters and composers who have focused on them with a view to integrating them into the contemporary space of the 21st century, are known. This emptiness is also seen in the absence of any academic work on this type of instrument. Thus, the aim of this research project is to create conditions that will provide a contemporary place for increased cordage guitars in the erudite music scene in Portugal, either through performance or through repertoire creation. I propose to contribute to the reflection and analysis on the use of historical sources as a mediating process in the reactivation of instruments from the past; to contribute to the inclusion of the increased cordage guitar in the contemporary concert itineraries; to promote the creation of an original concert and didactic repertoire for increased cordage guitars, through collaborative actions between knowledge produced by historical research (musicological) and knowledge resulting from artistic research (composition/performance).Research Group: Creation, Performance and Artistic Research