Rui Vilela

- PhD Candidate
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
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Rui Vilela is an artist and a PhD-student of the doctoral programme in Music with specialisation in Ethnomusicology at the University of Aveiro. In 2020 he was accepted as a candidate by the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam. His research project focuses on the sounding practices of the Bissau-Guinean Liberation Movement (1963-1974). He has been a grant holder, among others, from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2020, 2017, 2016), the Berlin Senate for Culture and Europe (2019, 2017) and the Kunstfonds Foundation (2018). He has a Master of Fine Art from the Dutch Art Institute, main field of study – artistic research.Ciência Vitae | ORCID
Doctoral ProjectTitlePolitics of Sounding and Listening: the sound archive of the Bissau-Guinean Liberation MovementAdvisorSusana Sardo & Patrícia Godinho Gomes
AbstractThe research project aims at defining politics of sounding and listening by examining, firstly, its practices in the context of the Bissau-Guinean Liberation Movement (1963-1974), and, secondly, the ways of constituting a contemporary repertoire that is informed by anticolonial critique. For this purpose, it draws the aural environment of the struggle from archival and embodied sonic memories that are later convoked to contemporary artistic productions. The methodology conjugates ethnomusicological and artistic methods — respectively, participatory archival research, critical ethnographic fieldwork and collaborative artistic research — to conceive of sounding and listening practices as moments of knowledge production and dissemination capable of acting upon and inciting social orders.Research Group: Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies