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PhD Candidate
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Tel: (+351) 234 370 389 (ext. 23700)


Alexandre Souza Simon holds a Bachelor's degree in guitar from the Federal University of Pelotas - UFPel and a Master's in Interpretive Practices from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO. Since 2018, he is a PhD student in Music at the University of Aveiro - UA, where he conducts his research on the musical performance of works by South-Brazilian composers for guitar. As a music educator, he has already worked as a teacher at the Rio Grande Federal Institute of Porto Alegre - IFRS. As a guitarist, he has made musical presentations with different chamber formations in countries such as: Uruguay, Argentina, Canada, Portugal, Spain and Germany. In parallel, he participated in important cultural activities, with emphasis on the project “Didactic Concerts” by FUNARTE. From 2013 to 2015, he participated in the Specialized Chair in Latin American Music with the famous guitarist Eduardo Isaac, at the Conservatorio Luis Gianneo in Mar del Plata, Argentina. During this period, he also joined the group Cuarteto de Guitarras del Mercosur, with which he recorded the compilation CD “Ciclo Break”, promoted by Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Currently, he is dedicated to the dissemination of Brazilian and Latin American music, integrating the instrumental music group Latino-América Duo. In 2018 he received the nomination for the Premio Açorianos de Música with his debut album.


Ciência Vitae | ORCID


Doctoral Project
Em Pampa Nem Canone: Ética e Interpretação na criação de uma Performance Folcloricamente informada
Gilvano Dalagna
This investigation is a project inserted in the area of artistic research, which promotes a reflection on the forms of performance and interpretation of music for solo guitar (Classical Guitar) in the region of Pampa Gaúcho. Pampa is the characteristic biome of the southern region of Brazil, all of Uruguay and part of Argentina. The objective of the investigation is to promote a greater dialogue and understanding between the different guitar approaches in this region (Traditional Guitar and Pampean Guitar). This dialogue will be promoted through a proposal of performative reading that clarifies the influence of the Pampean Guitar in works already collected. The problem arises from my concern about factors that involve a veiled disregard of the work of performers aligned to the Pampean guitar by the agents belonging to the universe of the concert guitar, the resistance in accepting and undertaking the repertoire mentioned above in university courses, from the timid discussion about the theme and its horizons, the lack of identification of the students with the traditional repertoire taught, among others. Thus, in the search for answers and the development of an artistic product, I start from the perspective of the Autonomous Performer to support my activities, a notion that together with practical applications - instrumental solutions, interpretive construction, greater understanding of the musical elements contained in the works, among others - will give light to a performance committed to the two guitar strands.