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PhD Candidate
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
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Tel: (+351) 234 370 389 (ext. 23700)


Life is a big “ciranda”, one of songs, dances, meetings and mismatches. At the moment I have been looking for inspiration and answers for this ballet at the postgraduate Doctorate in Music at the University of Aveiro (INET-md). I am in an artistic research that relates musical composition and spirituality from a spiritual perspective: the spirit world. The fascination with this theme comes from a long time, either in readings, personal experiences, or working as a volunteer in Spiritist centers in Brazil (Fortaleza and Salvador), and currently in the Light and Peace Spiritist Association (Associação Espírita Luz e Paz) based in Aveiro, Portugal. I work as a guitarist, educator and composer. Speaking of art, it is worth mentioning the Concerto for Guitar (classical guitar) and orchestra, called Aporia, which reflects the master's degree study at the Federal University of Bahia on musical intertextuality and linguism. I taught as a postgraduate teacher in the area of ​​music education at Graduale College and had the opportunity to teach in the undergraduate degree in Music at the State University of Ceará, Brazil. I have been heavily involved in festivals, exhibitions, seminars, conferences and congresses of various kinds, as well as playing in many of them. It is an interesting and stimulating activity, as it makes people meet and get together. My areas of interest are: musical composition, intertextuality, linguism, spirituality, spiritual and spiritist philosophy.



Doctoral Project
What if... Life could be continuous? An artistic research in musical composition from the notion of “the world of Spirits”.
DanielEscudeiro projeto02
The following thesis proposes to bring an artistic, compositional view from the world of Spirit (Kardec 1857), problematizing it in the field of spirituality and adding aspects of health, science, philosophy and religion. With this artistic investigation (Correia, Dalagna, Benetti, Monteiro 2018; Correia and Dalagna 2019) I intend to create new works that dialogue with the central question: what is “the world of Spirits?”. At present, I find that discussions about spirituality (Sheldrak 2012; Watts 2015; Catré et al 2016) and the spiritual (King 1998) have received attention in the art universe (Spretnak, 2014; Arya 2016), notably plastic and visual. In musical composition (Sholl and Mass, 2017) the relationship with the concept of spirituality is little addressed. In Western music, predominantly grounded in musical notation (including acoustic music), a parallel with spirituality can be found in a large number of works primarily for the religious aspect (Grout, Palisca 1988; Grifitts). Although there are composers engaged in the issue of spirituality, in their religious bias, it is understood that there is a need to explore themes such as the afterlife, reincarnation and so-called "supernatural" phenomena, among others, present in the notion of the spirit world — as shown by the research done by the French Allan Kardec between 1854-1869. Even in other arts, such as Kandinsky's painting or Hilma Aft Klint, there are more appropriate forays into this regard, whether theoretical or practical (Kandinsky 2017; Pinheiro 2018; Lourenço 2019). Some discussions in contemporary music point to more general themes about the Spiritual, by composers such as Arvo Part, Tarvener, Messiam, Claude Vivier, John Burke, among others (Goldman 2011, Sholl 2017). Recognizing this compositional diversification and also understanding the expansion of the idea of ​​spirituality one can ask: What if death did not exist? What would this art be about? What is the dialogue of composition with these areas? In short: What is the possible way to resignify the world of spirits through musical composition? The present moment has raised several existential questions with which art can dialogue. Considering that this is an exploratory research, due to the novelty of the theme, it is my intention to make a multimodal approach of the works in order to bring possibilities of composing, between emotional stimuli, technical or world conceptions that are very much related to spirituality, spirituality and the Spiritist Thought. It relies on the experience reports, as well as the systematized literature, approached in several formats of sources, such as: books from different areas of study (in their respective clippings), videos with related content, semi-structured interviews, from my personal experience and from works and composers, necessary for understanding and questioning about the subject.