International Congress Hidden Archives, Hidden Practices: Debates about music-making

Call for Papers
International Congress Hidden Archives, Hidden Practices: Debates about music-makin
June 28th to 30th, 2019 | Departamento de Comunicação e Arte | Universidade de Aveiro
In recent decades, research in the humanities has called for the displacement and multiplication of the addressed themes, and has defended approaches that integrate the study of archives, repertoires and musical practices which have been excluded from modern narratives. Similarly, inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue has fostered the emergence of new epistemologies that shift the focus from writings to performative scenarios, or from musical styles to musical practices. The development of this focus in musical research is particularly evident in fields such as community music studies, local music studies, gender and music studies and artistic research in music. This conference intends to address this new outlook, and invites proposals that focus on these research developments. The University of Aveiro, and its Department of Communication and Arts will host this event from June 28th to 30th, 2019. The keynote speakers will be Catherine Laws (University of York; Orpheus Institute), Salwa Castelo Branco (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa; INET-MD), and Suzel Reilly (UNICAMP). We welcome abstracts (in English), of no more than 350 words. Please include title, state of the art, research questions and aims, content outline, and the specific contribution to current knowledge. Abstracts should be submitted via easychair:
Preferred themes include (but are not limited to): · Archives and repertoires of music making · Music and social sustainability · Life stories of 'hidden' musicians · Women in music · Experimental performance practices Types of proposals: Types of proposals: Paper presentations (max. length 20 minutes): submissions should include 3 to 5 keywords. Pre-formed panels: please submit a general abstract and individual abstracts for each speaker, and include 3 to 5 keywords. Panels should last 1 hour and 30 minutes, including discussion. Lecture-Recitals (max. length 45 minutes): submissions should include 3 to 5 keywords. Abstracts will be reviewed by a panel, and presenters will be advised as to their acceptance or otherwise by March 2019. The deadline for the submission of proceedings articles (accepted authors only) is July 15th, 2019.
Submission Deadline: February 24th, 2019