• Disco
The Institute for Ethnomusicology - Centre of Studies in Music and Dance (INET-md) welcomes prospective candidates to the 7th Edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, acting as host institution for applications to be submitted by researcher interested in the areas of:
Its six Research Groups:
Its four Thematic Lines, recently created to articulate synergies in strategic areas:
How to submit your expression of interest
INET-md is composed by four branches, each hosted by a different institution of higher education, with its own facilities and managing services: at the NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH); at the Department of Communication and Art - University of Aveiro (DeCA-UA); at the Faculty of Human Kinetics - University of Lisbon (FMH-UL); and School of Education - Instituto Politécnico do Porto (ESE-IPP). 
Each of these branches has its own procedures for monitoring and submission of applications, so you should send your expression of interest to the contact person at the branch you which to apply with:
  • NOVA FCSH - Manuel Deniz Silva (manueldenizsilva[at]fcsh.unl.pt) and inet[at]fcsh.unl.pt
  • FMH-UL - Elisabete Monteiro (emonteiro[at]fmh.ulisboa.pt and inetmd.fmh[at]gmail.com)
  • ESE-IPP -  Jorge Alexandre Costa (jacosta[at]ese.ipp.pt) 


Until 30th of September, you may submit your expression of interest to INET-md's branches at NOVA FCSH and FMH-UL.

Branches at DeCA-UA and ESE-IPP are accepting expressions of interest until 7th of October.


The expression of interest should include:
  1. Name and date of award of the doctoral degree;

  2. Detailed curriculum, if possible with link to the portal Ciência Vitae;

  3. Title (even if provisional) of the project to be presented to the call and a summary of its work plan (in English, maximum of 5000 characters);

  4. Motivation letter stating your scientific career over the last 5 years and your main results, as well as the relevance of your proposal to INET-md's fields of research (not applicable to researchers already integrated in INET-md);

  5. A copy of a relevant publication (in .pdf file).


For more information about this funding program and its eligibility criteria, please visit the webpage of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.