Call for papers | Historical Music Conference: Notas no Tempo
22nd and 23rd November, 2024 | Conservatório Escola das Artes, Funchal, Ilha da Madeira
Call for Papers:
The Historical Music Conference ‘Notas no Tempo’ aims to explore the richness and diversity of historical music in Madeira and the Atlantic area. This event brings together academics, musicians, and enthusiasts with the purpose of studying, discussing, and preserving the musical heritage of this region.
- Provide a forum for discussion and sharing of knowledge about historical music in the Atlantic area.
- Explore the various facets of Madeiran music, from its origins to its influence on the Atlantic musical scene.
- Foster a rich and comprehensive debate on the challenges and opportunities in musicological research and practice.
Participate with a Presentation!
The event takes place on the Island of Madeira and all interested parties are invited to submit proposals for presentations. We encourage researchers in music and related fields to submit free papers to be presented during the event. Submissions should be related to the study of music in Madeira or the Atlantic area.
Submission Deadline:
Until 2nd June 2024. Proposals should be submitted to the email mmanuela.silva[at]edu.madeira. through the form available at Notas no Tempo.

More information: Conservatório - Escola das Artes