• citara
The Perfoma Ensemble, composed of members of the Institute of Ethnomusicology - Center for Studies in Music and Dance (INET-md) of the University of Aveiro (UAveiro), will be in Spain and France for a series of concerts. The initiative is part of "A palavra da música", a project that addresses the relationships that the Portuguese classical instrumental repertoire of the last decades establishes with poetic texts or fiction. The next concert will take place on April 26th, in Vigo.
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The power of the word is in the genesis of several musical works, and this project aims to explore the multiple readings that the texts and the works contain, enhancing new ways of saying, hearing, seeing, and feeling, explain the artists who are part of the group.
The project will be presented in Spain and France by the Performa Ensemble and will feature musicians Jorge Salgado Correia, Henrique Portovedo, Helena Marinho, from INET-md, and will also have the participation of actress Joana Carvalho and composer Sara Carvalho.
The first performance took place in January of this year, in Nice, and the next one will be on April 26th, Wednesday, at 8:00pm, at the Martin Códex Auditorium of the Higher Conservatory of Music of Vigo. 
Upcoming Presentations 
  • May 6th, 6:00pm, Manuel de Falla Auditorium, Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid

  • May 18th, 6:00pm at the University of Alicante Auditorium

Performa Ensemble
  • Helena Marinho, piano

  • Henrique Portovedo, saxophone

  • Jorge Salgado Correia, flute