• Guitarra

MUSICHILDREN'22 - Music for and by Children: Perspectives from Composers, Performers and Educators

September 10 to 12, 2022 | DeCA - Universidade de Aveiro

The University of Aveiro and INET-MD (Institute of Ethnomusicology – Centre for Music and Dance Studies) will host the 2nd International Symposium: “Music for and by Children: Perspectives from Composers, Performers and Educators”, from 28th – 30th September 2022 in Aveiro, Portugal.
The main goal of the musichildren’22 conference is to explore aspects of music for children, and music that is created by children. It aims to stimulate discussion, develop ideas, and disseminate research in the fields of Music Composition, Performance and Music Education. This 3 day event will host paper presentations, performances, workshops and discussions from around the world.