• Dança 5
Alfonso Benetti, researcher at INET-md, pole of the University of Aveiro, has just been selected for an Assistant Researcher position, within the scope of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 3rd Edition (CEEC Individual), with the project entitled “Ebony and ivory: History of piano in Portugal from the second half of 18th century to the 21st century”. The Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia recently released the results of this competition, in which 300 work contracts are awarded to doctoral researchers in all scientific areas.  The 300 selected researchers are divided into four contractual categories: 157 Junior Researcher contracts, 114 Assistant Researcher contracts, 27 Principal Investigator and 2 Coordinating Researcher In the “Arts and Other Humanities” panel, Alfonso Benetti's project was one of three selected, being placed in 2nd place among the 52 applications in the category of Assistant Researcher.
Ebony and ivory: History of piano in Portugal from the second half of 18th century to the 21st century”
Despite the representative presence of the piano in Portugal from the second half of the 18th century and the extensive presence of piano makers in the early years of the instrument, the study of its history and related practices is largely neglected in the Portuguese context: organological studies ignore a representative number of non-Portuguese manufacturing pianos; and related social context and artistic practices are only approached in a study circumscribed to the context of Madeira island. This project will thus focus on the history of piano in Portugal from the second half of 18th century to the 21st century in order to:
  • Contribute to an integrated research outlook of its history, organological aspects, social contexts and artistic practices;
  • Identify current site-specific artistic and social related practices;
  • Promote performative practices through ethnographic approaches; and
  • Contribute to the study, preservation and dissemination of Portuguese music-cultural heritage, specifically in regard to its organological, social and artistic aspects.
Research will address two perspectives through the application of methods such as archival work, organological analysis and ethnographical participative approaches: a historical perspective will study social contexts, instruments and artistic practices; and an ethnographic perspective will study current site-specific contexts and practices related to piano. Additionally, ethnography will be used as a reflexive methodology for performative tasks in interaction with objects gathered through ‘archeological’ approach (Foucault 1969/2002). 
Previously, at CEEC Individual 1st edition, INET-md / UA researcher Clarissa Foletto had been selected for a Junior Researcher position (out of 14 projects approved in 127 applications, in the panel “Arts and Other Humanities”), with the project “Pedagogical approaches for optimizing communication process in instrumental teaching and learning”.