Digital Transformation in Conservatories and Music Academies in Portugal: Institutional Perspectives

01/04/2024 a 31/12/2024
Digital Transformation in Music Conservatories and Academies in Portugal: Institutional Perspectives (TD_Mus) is a response to a gap identified in specialized artistic music education in Portugal: the lack of information on the practices adopted by conservatories and academies (CA) to conduct the digital transformation (DT) process. The ultimate aim of this project is to develop an atlas of the DT process, based on the perspective of the institutions themselves. Achieving this goal involves a multi-phase strategy involving a scoping review, a national survey of CAs, and a debriefing meeting with representatives of the participating institutions. This project will not only identify the challenges, the needs of each institution, and the strategies used but will also make it possible to understand the reasons that limit their support for teachers. TD is changing how students learn and practice music and therefore the way teachers teach music. This process has allowed greater access to digital resources and the personalisation of teaching and learning. However, using these resources is just one stage in a larger process in which we are moving from the mere digitisation of content (digital transition) to a transformation of pedagogical practices. By contextualising the digital transition in the context of specialised music teaching and from the perspective of institutions, the aim is to point to evidence of the need to support academies and conservatoires in DT.
Specialised Artistic Music Teaching; Digital transformation; Pedagogical practices; Digital resources; Institutions.