• KovaM

Filiação institucional
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Instituto de Etnomusicologia-Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança (INET-MD)

Categoria ou actividade/Activity
Investigador bolseiro Pós-Doutoral

Formação Académica/ Education
2006 Doctorate (PhD) in ethnomusicology (Nanterre/Paris X, France)
2001 Masters in ethnomusicology (Nanterre/Paris X, France)
1997 Licence in ethnology (Nanterre/Paris X, France)

Grants and fellowships
2010- Post-doctoral fellowship, Fundação para a Ciência e a Technologia (Portugal)
2009-10 Post-doctoral fellowship, New Europe College, Bucharest (Romania).
2005 Eugène Fleischmann grant (Société d'Ethnologie).
2001-04 Research scholarship, University Paris-X Nanterre.

Actividade Ligada a Organizações Académicas e Profisionais Nacionais e Internacionais / Professional and Academic Organizations
Member of the administration board of the French Society for Ethnomusicology (SFE)
Ordinary member of :
− International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM)
− European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)

Actividade Docente e Profissional/Academic Positions and Professional Activities
2010-2011 Ethnomusicology teacher, at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (UNL, Lisbon).
Class of "Culturas musicais do mundo".
2007-08 Ethnomusicology advisor for musical workshops, at Cité de la Musique (Paris).
2005-07 Temporary lecturer at University Paris-X Nanterre.
I developped two series of new lectures: "Introduction to world music" and "What is ethnomusicology?". Some of them can be consulted on my website (www.svictor.net). I also gave the following seminars: "Musical transcription", "Classic texts in ethnology", "Investigation methods".


Coordenação editorial/Editorships
2011 (forth.) with E. Grimaud : Ateliers du L.E.S.C., "Virtuosité, ou les sublimes aventures de la technique."
2010 with C. Guillebaud and J. Mallet : Gradhiva, 12, "La musique n'a pas d'auteur. Ethnographies du copyright"

2010 Chants tsiganes de Roumanie
Paris: Cité de la Musique. 80 pages and audio CD.
Designed for music teachers: handbook of romani songs taught in an ethnomusicological perspective.
2008 Fabricants d'émotion. Musique et malice dans un village tsigane de Roumanie
Nanterre: Société d'ethnologie, coll. "Hommes et Musiques"; 230 pages, with a multimedia DVD.
The book concentrates the work developped in my doctoral thesis. By combining ethnography with musical analysis, it aims to shed a light on concepts of «cunning» and «slyness», as seen by Rroma (Gypsy) professional musicians in Romania. The book focuses on the link which binds cleverness to a certain conception of pleasure, emotion and group belonging. It is targetted at a large audience. Many visual, musical and interactive documents are presented on the attached DVD.
A detailed description is available on my website.

Artigos em revistas e livros de carácter científico/Articles in scientific journals and books
2012 (with Estelle Amy de la Bretèque), "Musics of the New Times: Romanian Manele and Armenian Rabiz as Icons of Post-communist Changes", The Balkans and the Caucasus: Parallel Processes on the Opposite Sides of the Black Sea, I.Biliarsky, O.Cristea et A.Oroveanu (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 321-335.
2011 (forth.) "Entre prouesse et dérision. L'imitation bruitiste dans le folklore américain au début du XXe siècle"
Ateliers du L.E.S.C [Accepted, scheduled for nov. 2011]
2011 (forth.) "The squire in the helicopter. Parody and irony in Romanian popular music"
Yearbook of the New Europe College, 2009-2010.
2011 "Quand la mélodie ruse. L'enchantement musical et ses acteurs"
In Humains, non humains : Comment repeupler les sciences sociales, ed. Sophie Houdart and Olivier Thiery. Paris: La Découverte.
2010 with C. Guillebaud and J. Mallet : "Ethnographies du copyright. Musiques et frontières de l'appartenance"
Gradhiva nº12, p. 5-19.
2010 "Les 'voleurs intelligents' ou l'éthique de la créativité selon les musiciens professionnels tsiganes de Roumanie"
Gradhiva nº12, p. 81-95.
2010 "Chants Tsiganes de Roumanie. La fantaisie au coeur d'un ouvrage pédagogique."
Proceedings of the symposium MORE (Music Orality Roots Europe), Cité de la Musique. Online at http://www.music-orality-roots.eu/ .
2010 "De solides vérités. Ordre et approximation dans la pratique des musiciens tsiganes de Roumanie"
Études tsiganes, n°37, p. 158-170.
2009 "Pensée motivique et pièges à pensée. Musique, tissage et œufs de Pâques en Moldavie"
L'Homme n°192, p. 23-38.
2009 "Constantin Brăiloiu et la création musicale collective"
Mémoire vive. Hommages à Constantin Brăiloiu, Laurent Aubert (éd.), Gollion/Paris: Infolio, p. 73-86.
2008 with B. Lortat-Jacob : "La musique en action"
Pour la Science, 373, november 2008, p. 42-44.
2008 "Ruse, système et opportunité"
Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie 21: "Performances". p. 51-65.
2006 "A Matter of Attitude. Gypsiness and style in Zece Prăjini (Romania)"
Shared Music and Minority Identities, Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting of the Study Group "Music and Minorities" of the International Folk Music Council, ed. by Naila Ceribasic and Erica Haskell, Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, p. 189-200.
2001 "Béla Bartók : aspects subjectifs de l'imprégnation folklorique"
Analyse Musicale 41, p. 55-65.

Reviews and translations
2011 (forth.) Review of "Salwa Castelo-Branco (ed.): Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no século XX"
Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie 24.
2010 Translation of "Les manele: symbole de la 'décadence'", by Speranţa Rădulescu
Translated from Romanian for Études tsiganes 38, p. 172-176.
2008 Review of "Speranţa Rădulescu: Chats about Gypsy Music"
Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie 21: "Performances", p. 321-323.
2002 Review of "Roumanie : Réédition de la collection Alan Lomax"
Cahiers des Musiques Traditionnelles 15, p. 216-218.

Conférencias por convite / Invited talks
2010 "Să fructifici valoarea sunetului...". Inteligenţă, emoţii şi şmecherie în gândirea lăutarilor.
Societatea de antropologie culturală din România. Keynote lecture, 24/09.
2010 Fabricants d'émotion. Musique et malice dans un village tsigane de Roumanie.
Musée du Quai Branly, 30/05.
2010 Fabricanţi de emoţie : despre şmecherie şi creativitate în gândirea lăutarilor.
Muzeul Ţăranului Român, Bucharest, 21/04.
2009 Collèges "musique tsigane"
Cité de la musique (Paris). Three general public conferences on Gypsy music : virtuoso brass bands from Moldavia / new amplified musics / portrait of a Gypsy singer, 24/11, 1/12, 8/12.
2009 Fieldwork in ethnomusicology
Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University, Prague. Two-day workshop on fieldwork interactions in ethnomusicological research.
2008 Musical transcription in ethnomusicology
Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University, Prague. Two-day workshop on the visualisation of musical structures.
2007-08 Lectures on virtuosity in traditional music.
University Paris VIII (seven lectures between 2007 and 2008).
2005 Qu'est-ce qu'une mélodie ? Identité, différence et créativité dans un répertoire de musiciens professionnels (Zece Prăjini – Roumanie).
University Paul Valéry, Montpellier.
2004 Identités ethno-musicales dans un village de lăutari Tsiganes (Zece Prăjini – Roumanie).
University Paul Valéry, Montpellier.
2003 Musique et textiles: esthétiques croisées dans les villages roumains
University Paul Valéry, Montpellier.
2001-03 Entre science et poésie: la musique populaire vue par Béla Bartók
Universities of Tours (2001, 2002), Lille (2002), Saint-Denis (2003).

Comunicações/ Papers in Conferences
2010 Technologies of musical enchantment: understanding manele in neo-liberal Romania
EASA 2010, Maynooth, 26/08.
2010 with Estelle Amy de la Bretèque (CNRS – CREM/LESC) : "Musics of the new times
Romanian manele and Armenian rabiz as icons of post-communist changes"
The Balkans and the Caucasus. Parallel processes in the historical destiny, mentality, culture, and future trends on the opposite sides of the Black Sea, New Europe College, Bucharest, 12-13/04.
2010 "Singing the Bakchich: The Aesthetics of Prestige in the Practice of Gypsy Popular Musicians"
Cultures of Indebtedness: Displacements of Value in Eastern Europe, New Europe College, Bucharest, 22-23/01.
2010 Chants tsiganes de Roumanie, la fantaisie musicale au coeur d'un ouvrage pédagogique.
Symposium Music Orality Roots Europe (MORE), Cité de la Musique, 04/12.
2009 "Si Brăiloiu avait su... La ruse, les Tsiganes et le diable dans le folklore roumain" [If Brăiloiu had known... On slyness, Gypsies and the devil in romanian folklore]
Ethnography museum of Geneve (Switzerland).
2009 "Autour de la création musicale collective" [On collective musical creation].
Annual meeting of the French Society for Ethnomusicology.
2009 "'Intelligent thieves'. The ethics of musical creativity according to Gypsy professional musicans".
International conference on "Author's rights and oral traditions: customs, law and ethics", Nuoro (Sardegna/Italy).
2008 "Pièges mélodiques. Sur la virtuosité musicale et tissée" [Melodic traps. About musical and woven virtuosity]
Workshop on Virtuosity: the sublime adventure of technique (Virtuosité ou les sublimes aventures de la technique), Musée du Quai Branly.
2007 "Standing still, moving others. A look at visible professionalism in Romania"
International Council for Traditional Music (World conference), Vienne.
2007 "Musique et technique"
Annual meeting of the French Society for Ethnomusicology.
2006 "Indexing and comparing audio/video sequences: Esonoclaste, an opensource software designed by (and for) ethnomusicologists and ethnochoreologists."
International Council for Traditional Music, meeting of the study group on ethnochoreology, Cluj (Romania).
2006 "Music in progress"
Conference on music and memory, École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles (ESPCI), Paris.
2006 "Ruser et apprendre"
Conference on music and learning, IRCAM, Paris.
2006 "Pixels sonores et musiques du monde: les ethnomusicologues face aux échantillonneurs"
Pixel workshop, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris.
2006 "Musique et artefacts"
Annual meeting of the French Society for Ethnomusicology.
2005 "Gypsiness, Music and Power: Romanian Feasts as Carnivals"
Symposium on Gypsy Music, University of Glasgow.
2005 "Romany Music: What it Is, How we Approach it, What We Can Say About it"
Round table at the International Council for Traditional Music (World Conference), Sheffield.
2004 "A Matter of Attitude : Self-Definition of Identity in a Village of Gypsy Professional Musicians (Zece Prăjini – Romania".
Third meeting of the Study Group "Music and Minorities" of the International Council for Traditional Music, Roč (Croatia).