• Dança 2
An international public notice is opened for recruitment in the form of a Uncertain Term Work Contract, under the Portuguese Labor Code, a position for First Level Doctorate Researcher for the exercise of activities of scientific research in the scientific area of Informatics, subareas of Software and its Engineering, and Information Systems, in the fields of Documentation and Information Sciences and Information Sciences and Technologies, to exercise the functions of developing activities for the construction and management of digital archives of INET-md, with regard to the design, development, and management of databases, within the scope of the Institute of Ethnomusicology - Center for Studies in Music and Dance supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology, in its State Budget component (OE).
Reference: UIDB/00472/2020
Admission requirements: Any national, foreign and stateless candidate(s) who hold a doctorate degree in Documentation and Information Sciences, Information Sciences and Technologies, Informatics, Information and Communication on Digital Platforms (or related scientific area) and a scientific and professional curriculum whose profile is suited for the activity to be performed, can submit their applications. Candidate(s) of the contest holding qualifications obtained abroad must prove the recognition, equivalence or registration of the doctor degree, in accordance with the applicable legislation. This formality must be fulfilled up to the date of signing the contract.