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Curriculum Vitae


Luís Manuel Duarte Antunes Figueiredo Trindade


2012/…                  Senior Lecturer in Portuguese Modern Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London.

2007/2012          Lecturer in Portuguese Modern Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London.

2006/2007          Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris: Groupe Approches Historiques des Mondes Contemporains [AHMOC]. Project: “The Theory of Social Sciences in Portugal. The Reception of Structuralism in the Social Sciences of Democratic Portugal”.


Pgrad.  2008       Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Lifelong Learning: Higher Education, School of Continuing Education, Birbeck College, University of London.

Ph. D.  2006        Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa [Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon]: “O Estranho Caso do Nacionalismo Português. O Salazarismo entre a Política e a Literatura” [“The Strange Case of Portuguese Nationalism. Salazarism Between Politics and Literature”] (advisor: Professor Fernando Rosas) (see publications, books).

M. A.  2001          Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: “O Espírito do Diabo. Discursos e Posições Intelectuais no Semanário O Diabo, 1934-1940” [“The Spirit of the Devil. Discourse and Intellectual Positions in the MagazineO Diabo. 1934-1940”] (see publications, books).

B. A.  1996            University of Coimbra, Portugal (History).


Recent Professional Experience

2015/2020          FTC Researcher, Institute for Contemporary History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, New University of Lisbon

2012/2013          Research Director, Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies, School of Arts, Birkbeck, University of London.

                           Member of the Steering Committee of the Birkbeck Institute for Moving Image.

                            Curator of the 3rd UK Portuguese Film Festival, November 2012

2011/2012          Organizer of “Scenes of Class Struggle in Portugal”, Workshop, Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Birkbeck, University of London, November 2011.

Programme Director, MA Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Birkbeck, University of London (2011/2015)

                                    Programme Director, MA World Cinema, School of Arts, Birkbeck, University of London (2011/2015)

2011                        Organizer of “The Making of State Power in Portugal”, Conference, Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Birkbeck, University of London, May 2011.

The First Movie (Mark Cousins, 2009), Film screening, MA World Cinema launch, School of Arts, Birkbeck, University of London, June 2011 

2010/...                 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

2010/...                 Member of the Steering Committee of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities

2009/2010          Chair of the Sub-Board of Examiners, Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Birkbeck, University of London.

2009                        “Thoughts on Films”, Conference by filmmaker Pedro Costa, Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Birkbeck, September 2009

Juventude em Marcha (Pedro Costa, 2006), Film screening, Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Birkbeck, February 2009

2008/...                 Member of the Birkbeck Research in Representations of Kinship and Community (BBRKC).

2007/...                 Member of the Steering Committee of the Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies (CILAVS), Birkbeck College.

Main Publications


-        Narratives in Motion. Journalism and Modernist Events in 1920s Portugal. London, New York: Berghahn Books, 2016

-        Ed. The Making of Modern Portugal. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013

-        O Estranho Caso do Nacionalismo Português. O salazarismo entre a literatura e a Política, Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2008, 349 pp.

-        Ed.(with António Pedro Pita), Transformações Estruturais do Campo Cultural Português, 1900-1950, Coimbra: Ariadne, 2005, 525 pp.

-        O Espírito do Diabo. Discursos e Posições Intelectuais no Semanário O Diabo, 1934-1940, Porto: Campo das Letras, 2004, 227 pp.


-        “Dividing the Waters: The sea in Portuguese post-revolutionary popular music”, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, vol. 14, 3, 2015

-        “O Gosto do Se7e. Uma história cultural do semanário Se7e (1978-1982)”, in Ler História 67, 2014

-        “Thinking the Revolution in Alberto Seixas Santos’s Brandos Costumes and Gestos & Fragmentos”, in Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 5, 2014

-        “O Riso Desdramatizador. Combate de géneros e as memórias do cinema clássico português”, P. Portuguese Cultural Studies, 3 (University of Utrecht), March 2010.

-        “A Cultura Comunista – Política do Diálogo”, Intervalo, February, 2010

-        “Um Cartaz Espantando a Multidão. António Ferro e outras almas do modernismo banal”, in Comunicação & Cultura, 8, 2009.

-        “A Mãe de Todos os Vícios. Agostinho de Campos perante a crise da massificação”, in Estudos do Século XX, 9, 2009.

-        “Introdução à Vida Intelectual. Intelectualidade, Crise e Senso Comum nos Anos 1930 em Portugal”, in Cadernos do CEIS20, Coimbra, 2007

-        “Fado, Futebol, Fátima, Foices e Martelos. Combates pelo senso comum no século XX português”, in Intervalo, nº 2, 2006.

Book Chapters

-        “Television Culture and Social Change in Post-Revolutionary Portugal”, in Kornetis, Kostis, et alia, Consumption and Gender in Southern Europe since the long 1960s. London: Bloomsbury, 2016

-        “The Utopian Unconscious: Literary Utopias and the Refashioning of Political Identities in 1920s Portugal”, in Bettencourt, Francisco. Utopia in the Portuguese-Speaking World. London: Peter Lang, 2015.

-        “Um País de Palavras num Mundo de Imagens”, in História de Portugal. Vol III: 1890-1930 – A Crise do Liberalismo. Madrid: Fundación Mapfre, Objectiva, 2014.

-        “The System of Nationalism. Salazarism as political culture”, in Trindade, Luís. The Making of Modern Portugal. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.

-        “A Imagem do Sportsman e o Espectáculo Desportivo”, in Domingos, Nuno, Neves, José. História do Desporto em Portugal. Lisboa: Quidnovi, 2012

-        “Os Excessos de Abril”, in Margato, Izabel. Literatura e Revolução. Rio de Janeiro: UFMG, 2012.

-        “A Cidade Despovoada – Povo, Classe e Literatura Moderna”, in Neves, José, Como se faz um Povo. Lisboa: Tinta da China, 2010.

Supervision/PhD examination

PhD Completed

-        Patrícia Braz, “The political gesture in Pedro Costa's cinema”, Birkbeck, December 2014

Current Supervision

-        Érica Valente, “Women in Portuguese Cinema Before and After the Revolution: Representation and Reality”;

-        Cláudia Figueiredo, “The Struggle on Stage: theatre, proletarian cultures and social emancipation in early 20th century Lisbon”;

-        James Hemsley, “Portuguese Cinema – The transition to democracy: changes and continuities, causes and consequences”;

-        Giulia Bonali, “Wearing the change: Fashion in Portugal after the April Revolution”;

-        João Laia, “Portuguese Artist Film and Video. Historical contexts, influences and representations”

PhD Examination

-        Rui Lopes, “West Germany and the Portuguese Dictatorship, 1968–1974”, LSE, London, January 2012

-        Anthony de Melo, “Fado, Fascism and Film”, King’s College, London, March 2013

-        Helena Margarida Cabeleira, “A Imprensa Académica na Universidade de Lisboa”, Universidade de Lisboa, July 2013

-        José Nuno Matos, “O operário em construção:das relações humanas ao trabalho temporário”, Universidade de Lisboa, July 2013

-        Júlia Leitão de Barros, “O Jornalismo Político Republicano Radical. O Mundo (1900-1907)”, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, June 2014

February 2016