• Dança 3

Formação académica

Ano: 1994
Classificação: Aprovado
Instituição que conferiu o grau: State University of New York
Faculdade: n/a
Título da tese: Desenvolvimento progressivo da densidade estrutural na obra de Daria Semegen

Domínio científico: Música
Designação do curso: Doutoramento em Música

Ano: 1993
Classificação: aprovado
Instituição que conferiu o grau:
Faculdade: n/a
Título da tese: Conjunto de Obras Musicais de Isabel Soveral

Domínio científico: Arts - Music
Anos curriculares: 3
Designação do curso: Master of Arts

Musical Composition and Theory.


Domínio de especialização

Domínio de especialização

Musical Composition
Analysis and Theory of Music of the twentieth century / XXI Studies of Electronic Music


Actuais interesses de investigação

Creation with teaching purposes
Musical Analysis: study the works of Portuguese composers of the last 50 years Electronic Music: Analysis, Theory and Creation.


Outras competências/actividades

Pianist and Professor in the field of musical composition, Theory and Analysis


Experiência na orientação

masters dissertations already completed:

Idea of the primary musical work: a study on the proliferation of the musical material of the work Anthèmes 1 for Anthèmes 2nd (2006)

Symmetries in rhythmic succession and Anton Webern. (2002)
The Timbre and Metamorphoses in Case of Music Compositional Electroacoustics. (2002)

Resources, Ideal, Design and Implementation in the dawn of the Electronic Music: The Electronique poem by Edgar Varese . (2002)

PhD Theses already completed:

Doctoral thesis in Music at the University of Aveiro, with the theme: "Figures rhythmic and poetic meanings." (2005)

Post-doctoral projects already completed:
Post-doctorate under the theme "Development of a scale of synthetic objects and its articulation as a means of approach to the instrumental version." IRCAM and the University of Aveiro. (2004)

PhD Theses not completed:

Application of Sonorous Identities in the Construction of a Music Speech Oriented by Time Frames

Musicality of the European Portuguese spoken voice of - for the composition of music without vocal verbalization

The microtonalism

The Higher Education of Piano in Portugal and in Europe. knowledge for the development of understanding and a conscious musical creativity.

Post-doctoral projects not completed:
Gesture and texture based interactive musical models for analysis and composition of mixed music.


Participação em projectos

Participação em projectos de investigação (coordenador/membro de equipas)

Member of Council of Scientific Information Center of Portuguese Music Member of the Scientific board of Artech 2010
Member of the Scientific board of Artech 2012



Capítulos de livros

"Analytical studies on some aspects of Jorge Peixinho writing style", in "Jorge Peixinho, In Memoriam," pp.135-157, Caminho,Lisbon, 2002.
Outras publicações

"Em Mi". Revista Glosas - PMPM, 2013.
"Mémoires dÁutomne". mic.pt, 2007
"Pardeisoi". mic.pt, 2007
"Since Brass nor Stone". mic.pt, 2007
"Le Navigateur du Soleil Incandescent-deuxième Lettre". mic.pt, 2006. "Estudo para percussão". mic.pt, 2003.

"Anamorphoses VI".mic.pt, 2001.
"Anamorphoses IV". Fermata, Lisbon, 1998.
"Anamorphoses III". Musicoteca, Lisbon, 1996.
"Momento I". Colien Music Album of the Portuguese and Spanish music for Piano. Cecilia Honegger Ediciones, Barcelona, 1995.


"Pas de Deux" (disk Monographic), Portugaler, 2011
"Pinos Baja", Numérica, 2008
Projecto Crossover, Numérica, 2008
"Mémoires d'Automne / Tableau III" in Contemporary Music, Numérica, 2007
"Le Navigateur du Soleil Incandescent - 1o Lettre", Numérica, 2005.
"Anamorphoses III" in Portuguese Composers, Numérica, 2004.
"Anamorphoses I" in Anthology of Portuguese Electronic Music. Plankton Music Publishing, 2004. "Mémoires d'Automne / I tableau" in Crazy Mallets - Portuguese Music for Marimba, Deux-Elles, 2003. Anamorphoses III in "Highlihts from the ISCM." International Society for Contemporary Music, 2002. "Inscriptions Sur Une Peinture," and "Heart", 2001. Capella (disk Monographic)

"Mémoires d'Automne / Table II" in New Flute Music",. Numérica, 2001.
Anamorphoses V, for string quartet in "New Music Portuguese." Numérica, 2001.
"Opium I and II" in "Portuguese Contemporary Music." Portugalsom and Strauss, 1995. "Quadramorphosis", and "Opium II" in "Three Portuguese Composers", 1995. EMI Classics. "Momento I". Society for Contemporary Music in Barcelona. 1995.


"Kingdon of the Shore" (DVD of a Multimedia Concert),
"Kingdom of the Shore". URL: http://portugaler.com/kingdom-of-the-shore.html

International Festivais from 2010 to 2012:

Festivais de Outono, Aveiro, 2012;
'Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2011
Festival Música Viva, Lisboa, 2010;
Festivais de Outono, Aveiro, 2010;
Encuentros México-España-Portugal, 2010
Encontro Internacional de Música e Arte Sonora, Rio de Janeiro, 2010. III Festival Internacional de Música Contemporânea, Salvador, BA, 2010


Prémios e Distinções


2010 Interviewed on Television program "Câmara Clara - Contemporary

Erudite Music" , Paula Moura Pinheiro

2010 Quoted in Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX

2011 compositora em " Em Foco" na Newsletter de Dezembro de 2011

Prémio ou distinção

Entidade promotora


Centro de Informação e Investigação de Música Portuguesa

2004 Quoted in The New Grove Dictionary
of Music and Musicians Grove Dictionaries

1999 Anamorphoses III and Electronic music 1: works selected to join the

list of works studied in the
postgraduate studies of music State University of New York at

Stony Brook

2002 Anamorphoses III: work selected to represent Portugal at the "The 2002

ISCM-ACL World Music Days" ISCM-ACL World Music Day, Hong Kong

1988 Contornos II: Work selected to represent Portugal at the "The 1988

ISCM-ACL World Music Days", ISCM-ACL World Music Days

1997 Contornos I: work awarded in the
competition "Exposisom." Portuguese Youth Musical




Comunicações orais por convite

Lecture given at Évora University on Jorge Peixinho Music (2010).

Conference about my work with the title " Orchestral Pieces" in the department of music at the University of Gothenburg (2008).

Conference about my work with the title "Paradeisoi", Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2007). Conference and interview on Portuguese Music (2005) - recorded for the radio of Zurich

Conference about my work with the title" Morphoses Cycle" - 27th International Festival of Music of Póvoa do Varzim (2005).

Conference / lecture on the interaction of acoustic instruments with electronics in the work of its authors "Anamorphoses III", State University of New York at Stony Brook (2000).

Lecture given at the State University of New York with the theme "In Structuctural Elements ARABESQUE by Daria Semegen" (1993).

Communications / interviews / Debates regularly on the radio (Antena II and Europe Radio)

Communication / Interview for television of Habanna on "Portuguese Women Composers"

Interview for the French musical magazine "Silence"

Comunicações em painel ("poster")

Participação na mesa-redonda subordinada ao tema "Jorge Peixinho, Personalidade e Obra". Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (1996).

Moderadora da mesa-redonda subordinada ao tema "Música electrónica/um panorama português", Culturgest (1998)