• Bombos2

New MPB in Brazil, alterna0ve music in Portugal: the MPB in the 21st century
The hypothesis that the concept of MPB (Música Popular Brasileira) could have different approaches in Brazil and in Portugal motivated my PhD research. From 2009 on, some artists of the alternative and independent music scene (Tulipa Ruiz, Karina Buhr, Tiê, Marcelo Jeneci, Silva and Romulo Fróes) were classified as the new genera>on of MPB by the Brazilian press. This was coined as New MPB. In Portugal show business enterprises as Uguru state that they do not associate the new Brazilian artists to this category, with the intention to aRract young audiences, more connected with alternative music. For the Portuguese promoters, journalists and record editors, this brand is linked only to the artists of the 1960s (Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso, Gal Costa and Maria Bethânia) and it is faced to an audience different than that of the New MPB ar>sts.

Prelude – A reading proposal and a link to Globo TV for thought

Carlos Sandroni (2004). “Adeus à MPB“. In: Berenice Cavalcan>; Heloísa Starling; José Eisenberg. (Org.). Decantando a República: inventário histórico e polí8co da canção popular moderna brasileira. v. 1 Outras conversas sobre os jeitos da canção. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira; São Paulo: Fundação Perseu Abramo, p. 23-35.


Carlos Cavallini is a researcher in INET and PhD candidate at the DCM of the FCSH/NOVA under the academic supervision of Salwa Castelo-Branco focusing processes of MPB in Portugal. He has a Master’s Degree in Ethnomusicology from FCSH/NOVA on the approach of the Brazilian Popular Music (MPB) on the Se7e newspaper as well as the relationship between the Portuguese press with the label records' and spectacle’s industries. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from the Faculty of Education and Social Communication of Vitoria (FAESA), Brazil. In 2005, he researched the regional music from the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo on the local press. In 2014, he published along with Pedro Nunes the article “Music journalism and gatekeeping: the MPB case on the Se7e weekly newspaper”.