Seminário CPIA | Showcase
Palestra | Tom Moore | Out of Prague: Jewish Emancipation and the Rise of the Virtuoso Jewish Pianist
The Jewish parents of Prague saw, with the success of Ignaz Moscheles, that music could be a realistic career option for their children; at least one child could be educated in music from an early age and aspire to a musical life. My recent research sheds light on the remarkable crop of Bohemian piano virtuosos during the period 1815-1840 - Sigmund Goldschmidt, Ignaz Tedesco, Alexander Dreyschock, Wilhelm Kuhe, Julius Schulhoff, Charles Wehle, Bernard Rie, Leopold Lion, - virtually all of whom are unknown to either modern scholars or the modern piano repertoire.
Palestra | Paulo Maria Rodrigues | DMSE#21: Gliding over Porcelain, Crystal and Birds and other stories about the great need to share the deep affection and recognition for the role that Rolf Gehlhaar played in the construction of my Inner Gardens
Palestra-concerto | Rita Torres e Helvio Mendes (xilofone) | Artistic research in sound production and compositional gestures
Sobre Tom Moore
Tom Moore é atualmente chefe do Departamento de Som e Imagem da Green Library, na Florida International University, em Miami, Florida. É licenciado pela Universidade de Harvard e doutorado pela Universidade de Stanford. Trabalhou como bibliotecário de música nas Universidades de Princeton e Duke e é um intérprete ativo de música barroca. Além disso, é especialista em música brasileira.