• Bombos2

Maria de São José Côrte-Real (Guest Editor)


Migrações 7 (integral version in Portuguese and English) features a number of researchers from ethno-anthropo-musicology, the volume firstly offers us a true mosaic of research articles: from the Indo-Pakistani diaspora to Luso-identities in the USA, from colonial and postcolonial identities in Goan diaspora to Cape Verdean batuque, from Afghan music in Australia and Kurdish music in Berlin to music scenes in Vienna, Barcelona and Lisbon, from music as an indicator of social integration in Melbourne to Afro-American music in neighborhoods of the Bronx to music of political intervention in the American presidential elections of 2008. Secondly, respecting the common guideline of the Journal, the present thematic issue offers nine articles regarding good practices in which valuable associative, foundational and communal initiatives stand out. Finally, again following the Journal’s normal and established structure, the coordinator presents us with a set of nine opinion articles with a strong lusophone accent and celebrating its multiple expressivities in Portugal and in the African Continent.



Special Issue


Migrações 7Music and Migration, Journal of the Observatório da Imigração | Publisher: Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural, i.P.; Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, Lisboa| Released: 2010 | ISSN: 1646-8104 | Size: ---cm | Pages: 298 (PT)/ 278 (EN) | Languages: Portuguese and English | Paperback